Greece travel report

It’s been a while – I know – but in my defence: my website was hacked by someone and I had to rebuilt the whole thing before working on the travel report of our trip in spring to Greece. But now it’s done and here it is. 🙂 What a wonderful trip – we can not wait to go back and enjoy Greeces weather, food, beaches and mountains. Still loads to see, and definitely worth it!

Click here to read it!

Cruise on,


Scandinavia travel report

As a follower on Facebook you might have noticed that we spent our summer holidays in Europe’s far north! Scandinavia had been on our list for a long time and we finally wanted to pack our stuff and check it our for ourselves. The low oil price made our decision even easier. It is expensive enough up there, so 2015 was a good year to take our thirsty LandCruiser up north.

The travel report contains stories, tips and important information we gathered in 4 weeks holidaying in Sweden and Norway. Driving roughly 9.000 km (from Germany and back), we saw quite a bit of these countries and have selected 250 photos that will give you an impression of what we experienced.

Read all about it here.

Cruise on,


Long web addresses can be a pain to remember so I’ve registered an awesome new URL which will be a lot easier to remember and share with your friends: will continue to be the no.1 domain, but is now supplemented by

Sharing highly appreciated 🙂

Cruise on,


LCA cap

I am thrilled to present the very first merchandising item for LandCruising Addicts: a high quality flexfit baseball cap featuring the LCA-logo!

So far it’s the one and only, but people have already been asking where they can get one 😉 Let me know if you’re also interested, maybe I’ll have some more made. Price will be around 30€ incl. shipping.

Cruise on,
